Management Messages :

Principal Table
Principal Table

The 21' century is the technology based century which will open new horizons of avenues and also strive for great challenges. Driven by the growing trend of globalization in the field of health, the pharmacy profession will be in great demand. 

Pharmaceutical science is an integral part of our healthcare system. Pharmacy education istands for 

expertise on drug manufacturing, drug distribution and therapeutic drug monitoring. Our college is keenly engaged to develop a significant pool of human resource in the field of pharmacy, which can report to the present challenges as well as future needs of health and welfare of society. Akal College of Pharmacy and Technical Education is equipped with modem sophisticated pharmaceutical  Manufacturing and analytical instruments under the supervision of highly qualified faculty. Our mission for a better tomorrow is to keep pace with time and to make ACPTE as one of the dynamic pharmacy education institute in this area. I welcome you all for a better future in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.

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